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Dr. Lauren J. Kim, PhD has been invited as a visiting professor for the spring semester and is serving on an interim basis as an Assistant Professor of History.

Dr. Kim has over 15 years of educational leadership and history teaching experience in both Reformed Christian undergraduate and graduate-level studies. Dr. Kim holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Studies from University of Southern California, as well as a Master of Arts degree in Historical Theology from Westminster Seminary California. In addition, Dr. Kim holds both a Master of Letters and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in History from University of St. Andrews’ Department of Modern History at the Reformation Studies Institute in Scotland, UK.

 Over the past eight years, Dr. Kim has taught in Seoul, Korea. She was an Assistant Professor of Church History at Torch Trinity Graduate University where she brings a broad international experience. She held positions such as the Church History Department Chair and the International Student Director. She has also taught part-time at Yonsei University on European human rights and at Hanguk University of Foreign Studies. During this time, she published articles in numerous peer-reviewed history and theological education journal publications.

As a Reformed, Christian educator, Dr. Lauren Kim has grown up in the Korean Presbyterian Church and is currently a member in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). Please join us in welcoming her to the Providence community.