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Providence Christian College was on hand September 24th at Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena to congratulate KKLA 99.5 FM on 30 years of broadcasting Christian programming in Southern California.

Dr. Jim Belcher, President at Providence, presented General Manager Terry Fahy and all our friends at the station with a congratulations card signed by the administration and faculty at Providence. KKLA

We send not only congratulations to KKLA for the past 30 years but well wishes and prayers for what we know God will do in the next 30 years!

As the only reformed Christian college on the West Coast, Providence appreciates what KKLA stands for and its commitment to communicate biblical beliefs and spread the gospel to its listeners throughout Southern California.

At Providence, through our Faith Guided Learning™, we are committed to teaching biblical beliefs to the next generation throughout our academic programs and modeling those beliefs both inside and outside of the classroom.

Providence is proud of our partnership with KKLA radio and we look forward to a brighter future together. Tune in daily to David “Big Wave Dave” James to hear Providence’s radio spot!