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The 2102 Redlands Invitational once again served as the season opener for Sea Beggar cross country. This fall marks the fourth year of intercollegiate competition at Providence. Keri Whitaker is the head coach of the team, some members of which she’s coached for 3 years.

The summer heat persists and Saturday was no different. “It was uncomfortably warm, but not unmanageable,” junior Emily DeBoer said. “The first race is always the worst, but we all finished so that was good.” De Boer led the way for the Providence women’s team finishing in 24:14. Newcomers Sarah Grimes and Carissa Francouer ran as well. Sophomore Ian Harriman was the sole men’s runner for the Sea Beggars finishing toward the back of the pack with a time of 25:52.

“It’s good to have the first one done with, it helps you prepare for what’s coming,” Harriman said. After the meet, the runners visited the Whitaker house to swim and cool off.  The team’s next meet is at the Master’s College on September 22.

Below, team with fans post-race. Picture by Sarah Fleeman.
