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“Pasadena wholesale jerseys bound!” wholesale jerseys It’s cheap jerseys a Csu phrase What typically Buy associated with college football, bowl games, and the run-up to the “Grand-daddy of them all,” the Rose Bowl. This year, the phrase takes on new significance for the Providence Christian College family. On May 1, the college’s board of directors voted unanimously to move the college to Pasadena, where it will take up residence on the campus of William Carey International University. “We’re excited about the move because it brings us in closer proximity to the educational and cultural resources of L.A. and Pasadena. It also gives us room to grow substantially,” President J. Derek Halvorson said.

Backing up to the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, the 17-acre campus is more than triple the size of Providence’s current campus. It can accommodate several hundred resident students, compared to the current campus’s maximum capacity of 63 residents. It also features ample classroom space, a library, a cafeteria, administrative offices, and tennis and basketball courts. However, the best resources available to Providence at the new campus are found in the surrounding area.

Since it is positioned only 3.5 miles from downtown Pasadena and about 15 miles from downtown Los Angeles, the William Carey campus affords Providence students easier access to the cultural wealth of both cities. Though Pasadena is known internationally for its annual Rose Parade and Rose Bowl game, it is also the home of Fuller Seminary, the Huntington Library and Art Gallery, the California Institute of Technology, and the Art Center College of Design among other institutions of higher learning. The college has been bringing students in on weekends to visit places such as these since its inception, so it is a blessing to have the opportunity to move nearer to the source of much of southern California’s culture.

“L.A. is where we spend our time on 4Ws. Logistically, it will give our students ready access to the cultural and intellectual community of southern California,” noted Director of Student Activities Justin Bleeker. Students share the staff’s enthusiasm for the move. “It’ll draw lots of students because it’s a culturally rich area,” said sophomore Emily Van Dyke, adding, “And it has lots of pretty trees.” Since they were briefed about the possible move back in April, the student body has been abuzz with excitement over the lush greenery, local hiking trails, and proximity to everything they enjoy about living in Southern California. Pasadena’s natural beauty and cultural centers will increase Providence’s ability to fulfill it’s institutional goals.

“It’s our desire to prepare Providence students to engage every aspect of life from a Biblical perspective,” said Halvorson. “Being in Pasadena allows us to take advantage of the manifold resources of a global cultural center. We’re excited about being in a place that supports the mission of Providence so well.” The staff and students will miss the city of Ontario and its campus, which saw two classes graduate and countless friendships and support relationships develop between students and the local Christian community. “We are deeply grateful for the Chino/Ontario community that launched this college and has nurtured us in our earliest years,” added Providence board chairman Pete Haringsma. “Frankly, it’s hard to imagine not being here. But, we trust that we’ll be able to maintain a strong relationship with this community, and we’re excited about embarking on this next stage in our development.”

The Providence staff expects to move by August 1 and will share the campus with faculty and administrators for William Carey’s distance graduate school program. The facility is also home to the U.S. Center for World Mission, and additional space is rented to a primary school, an international secondary school, as well as several churches. The Pasadena campus was originally built and occupied by Nazarene University (subsequently named Pasadena College) in 1910. WCIU bought the land in 1977 after Pasadena College relocated to the San Diego area in 1973 and took the name Point Loma Nazarene University.

Providence’s founders were so conscious of God’s sovereign provision that “Providence” seemed the most appropriate name for this new Reformed, liberal arts college on the West Coast. Now, recognizing God’s provision thus far and trusting His continued care, the college community looks forward to a new home in Pasadena, California.

Guided tours of the new campus with Providence staff will be available throughout the summer.