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As enrollment at Providence Christian College grows the academic offerings continue to grow as well. Due to student interest and with the goal of providing the full array of liberal arts disciplines, a Psychology concentration has been added for Fall 2016.

The Psychology concentration at Providence Christian College seeks to provide high-quality undergraduate education in the academic field of psychology and opportunities for high-quality scholarship and professional development. It also intentionally integrates faith by exploring how psychological knowledge can inform one’s faith and how a person’s faith can inform his or her knowledge about the science and practice of psychology.

According to John Milton, Vice-President of Academic Affairs, this concentration will continue the mission of the college in developing students to be “thoroughly educated in the liberal arts”. See the course requirements and electives on our Psychology Concentration webpage.

Providence also recently added a Music Concentration for Fall 2016 and is offering new Music Scholarships. All prospective students are invited to apply for Music scholarships even if they are not intending to study in the Music concentration.