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Once a Beggar, Always A Beggar
by Frank Manriquez, Class of 2018

Despite the fact that Kyle Kortenhoeven wasn’t named “Mr. Providence” this year, he will leave a great legacy as a Sea Beggar and as one who served as President of the student body. Kyle’s father, Steve Kortenhoeven, was the original Dean of Students at Providence Christian College, so his childhood was much different than the average kid. He grew up with tight connections to the school and through this experience, he was able to create many bonds with others that have played a significant role in his life today.

Providence was located in Ontario, California, until 2010 when the campus moved to Pasadena. Kyle attended Ontario Christian High School and became class president as a freshman; subsequently, he also played football and track. However, when Kyle was a senior, his family moved to Denver, Colorado. Although he enjoys living in Colorado now, it wasn’t an easy transition in his senior year. Once he graduated from high school, he attended a college in the midwest but quickly realized that it wasn’t a good fit for him and the next year he transferred to Providence, where the rest is history.

At Providence, Kyle became student body president and says, “I felt like I could do a good job because I saw opportunities for improvements in communication between different areas of the school to make sure we have a unified vision of where we want to go.” In this position, students came to him with problems. At times he felt pressured under people’s need for instant information that he couldn’t disclose. He handled these situations with respect, saying, “I really enjoy that role and being there for students even when I can’t answer all of their questions. Being able to present those concerns to administration is a great opportunity.” His roommate, Gerrid Knol, says, “I think Kyle is a wonderful president, making changes for the better. Also, I had the pleasure of rooming with him this year and I realized how genuine of a person he really is.”

Kyle also started a club here on campus called the Free Speech and Debate Club. When asked why he said, “I really wanted to see people learn about subjects that may challenge them to think in critically about information that may challenge their presuppositions. The mark of an intellectually strong community is one where ideas are confronted and critiqued rather than ignored or suppressed in the fear of potentially finding one’s position to be lacking.”

Kyle and his fellow senior student senate representatives. From L to R: Steven Zermeno, Presence Massie, Kyle Kortenhoeven, Nicole Dotinga, Renee Haveman, Madison Vujnov.

Kyle completed his senior capstone this past fall semester and will graduate with a bachelor’s degree concentrated in social science and history. He plans to apply for graduate school and study psychology. Ideally, he wants to apply for schools in Denver so he can be close to his family. After completing his Master’s degree he plans to get his Doctorate degree as well. He would like to become a professor at a college to pursue cognitive psychology or neuropsychology research.

Looking back at his life, Kyle always knew he wanted to be a leader. Little did he know that he would lead in very different ways; as the class and student body president and as an athlete in high school. Specifically, sports taught him perseverance and leadership qualities that he will use the rest of his life.

This year, I have lived in the same quad as Kyle, sharing a few classes with him. I have seen him as a president, student, and friend. Despite his various roles, he stays consistent. If I had to describe Kyle in one word, it would be “genuine.” No matter when or where I see him, he stops and says hello. There’s not a doubt in my mind that he will excel in whatever the Lord has in store for his future. He said in closing, “If I would have never attended Providence, I would be a different person. This school has truly shaped me into the person I am today. God is good and I am looking forward to the next chapter in my life.”