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Two seniors have been nominated by the faculty at Providence Christian College in Pasadena to attend the prestigious Kuyper Conference at Princeton Theological Seminary this month in New Jersey.

Seniors Nicole Dotinga and Renee Haveman; photo by Amy MacArthur

Nicole Dotinga and Renee Haveman were selected from the student body to represent Providence at the annual conference. Both have focused their studies at Providence on Biblical Studies and Business.

“The chosen students are exemplary students and are leaders on campus with high GPAs,” explains Vice-President for Advancement Michael Kiledjian. “All expenses are paid by one of our donors.”

The theme of this year’s conference is Neo-Calvinism and the Church. This conference will explore how characteristic themes and topics in the Neo-Calvinist tradition—such as the distinction between church as institute and organism, the role of democracy in the church, the possibilities and problems of state churches, how the difference between particular and common grace shapes the church’s role in society, and the pluraformity of the church––may prove fruitful for thinking about the mission of the church today.

Renee Haveman states, “I am excited and honored to attend the conference. I am anticipating hearing about the historical and contemporary church, specifically about how particular and common grace shapes the church’s role in society.“ Haveman presented her senior capstone project last semester, which was about the underlying narrative of the Bible, creation, fall, and redemption, which is illustrated in businesses and compels the Christian businessperson’s responsibility and response through his or her work.

“I am honored to be able to attend the Kuyper Conference and I think this year’s topic will be very applicable to my next phase of life after graduation from college,” added Nicole Dotinga. “I am looking forward to being able to focus on Kuyper and the work he contributed to society for a few days of intensive study.” Dotinga completed her capstone on Paul’s use of an athletic metaphor last semester.