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There are lots of jobs that a Providence graduate would be able do successfully, but one of the goals of a Providence education is helping graduates find the meaningful work that God has specifically gifted them for. Providence refers to this as a student’s “calling”. Housed within the department of academic affairs, the office of Career and Calling seeks the personal, academic, and professional development of the students through strategically designed activities throughout their time at Providence.

As a Reformed Liberal Arts college, the mission and purpose is to encourage the integration of a Christian world and life perspective into all spheres of life, to be engaged critical and creative thinkers, and effectively work in the redemption process through strong problem-solving skills. Vocation and calling are important components to reaching these goals. The concern is primarily towards the professional development, connected to the concepts discussed in the academic setting but implemented in the world outside of academia. This role acknowledges the lifelong nature of career and calling development and provides services that enable and encourage students to take responsibility for their own career identity.

Towards this end, the Career and Calling office provides the following components to students:

  • Aid in the development of self-knowledge related to calling choice and work performance/ethics.
  • Promote student selection of suitable academic programs and experiential opportunities
  • Research current educational and occupational standards to aid in the career planning process of the student as they seek a more comprehensive understanding of the world of work.
  • Help students gain experience through student activities community service, student employment, research or creative projects, experiential education, internships, and other opportunities.
  • Encourage students to take personal responsibility for developing job search competencies.

Graduate Assistant Sarah Rippetoe is spearheading the development of the Career and Calling office this year as a part of her graduate program work. She meets with seniors on a regular basis as they prepare for the next steps beyond graduation, including resume development, interviewing skills, and potential employment opportunities.

In working on building the new program, she says “Career development is a life-long journey, and I’m excited to help provide initial support, challenge, and structure while seeking strategic opportunities to grow our students. I desire to facilitate opportunities for them to consider how to deliberately utilize their time here at Providence and consider what opportunities (both in and out of classroom educational experiences) to pursue that will strengthen their marketability and fulfillment in the world of work.”.