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Music has always been an integral part of Providence Christian College, whether it be singing the robust historical hymns of the faith in chapel services, students gathering on the lawn around an acoustic guitar for Sunday night singing or rousing renditions of the Sea Beggar fight song at pep rallies. For those students sitting in Dr. Scott Swanson’s Biblical Studies class, they have also learned that he begins each class with music, followed by a short discussion on the theological underpinnings of the song that was played.

This year, music has taken an even bigger role with the launch of the Instrumental Group and the addition of Fine Arts Night which featured solos, small groups and the Providence Chorale. Under the direction of Professor Christina Bristow, who is also a soprano with the LA Master Chorale, these musical groups have begun to flourish after a full semester of training. Music 2

Because of this rich musical culture, Providence is pleased to announce the addition of the new Music concentration to its growing list of academic offerings. “It makes perfect sense for us to add a Music concentration and music scholarships” says Provost John Milton, “and it is something that we have talked about for years. Every year we have an excellent group of musicians at Providence who come from high schools with fantastic music programs. We want to make sure that students have an opportunity to continue music here, whether it be for extracurricular purposes or to pursue music as a professional career.”

Providence students will now be able to take advantage of the expanded classroom offerings in the Music concentration in addition to the excellent training and education they already receive from Providence’s two highly qualified and highly accomplished music faculty, Professor Christina Bristow and Dr. Lawrence Mumford.

The announcement that may hold the most interest for current high school seniors, however, will likely be the new Music Activity Scholarship that is being offered. While the activity scholarship requires an on-campus or recorded audition, the benefits of the scholarship are large. The scholarship, which takes into account musical ability and training, academic prowess, and Christian leadership and character, may cover up to 70% of tuition for the highest awards.  For more information and to apply, see our Music Scholarship page. Deadline for the application is February 1 and for the audition is March 15.