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Richard Kennedy, the host of “A Passion For Christ” radio show on KKLA, recently sat down with President Belcher in his studio to discuss the importance of Christian college education and more specifically, the uniqueness of a Providence education. As a father of two children who have attended Christian colleges, Kennedy asks the questions he feels are most important to parents as they help children make these crucial decisions about the future.Richard

Discussing everything from the experiential learning Avodah Program to the Reformed theological background of Providence, Belcher and Kennedy navigate the listener through the realities of financial sacrifice for Christian education and the benefits of Faith-Guided Learning and valuable mentoring relationships at a college like Providence.

When asked to sum up what makes Providence unique, Dr. Belcher wraps up the interview with a few key points. He describes Providence as being deeply Christian, where faith is guiding the learning and helping students to think Christianly about everything they do. Providence is purposefully residential and focused on developing a unique learning community both in and out of the classroom. The emphasis on the liberal arts not only trains a graduate for their first job, but for a lifetime of jobs. Lastly, Providence seeks to develop wisdom in helping young people mature and develop the resiliency, thought processes, and ability to make decisions that honor and bless God in their lives.

Listen now to the interview as you explore Providence’s educational mission, financial aid opportunities, and Campus Visit Day schedule.

Visit the President’s page for more information about Dr. Belcher’s book, writings, and interviews.