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Providence Christian College will celebrate Reformation Day this Friday, October 30th with Special Guest Speaker Rev. Chris Gordon, host of Abounding Grace Radio, a weekly 30-minute radio program that airs on Christian radio stations in San Diego, the Pacific Northwest, Grand Rapids, MI and iHeartRadio Central Valley, CA.

As the only Reformed Christian College on the West Coast, Providence Christian College will celebrate Reformation Day, an important anniversary in the Reformed tradition, that marks the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany back in 1517, almost 500 years ago. The act signaled the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.

“As the 500th anniversary of this historic occasion is fast approaching, we pause to reflect on its significance and celebrate this milestone annually for its pivotal transformation of church history,” said Providence President Dr. Jim Belcher. “We are honored that Rev. Gordon will be here at Providence to mark such an important celebration of our faith with our students, faculty and administration.”

Dr. Belcher added that with our culture focused on the superstitions and the darker side with Halloween, Reformation Day provides a better alternative to focus on the truths and the lighter side of what really matters in life – a higher authority.

Rev. Gordon is a native of Central California and received his Master of Divinity degree from Westminster Seminary in Escondido, CA. He pastored at the Lynden United Reformed Church from 2004 to 2012 and is presently Preaching Pastor at the Escondido United Reformed Church and host of Abounding Grace Radio.

“Abounding Grace Radio is a Christian radio broadcasting ministry committed to historic Protestant Reformation theology and the message of salvation by grace alone through faith alone,” explained Rev. Gordon.

He first aired Abounding Grace Radio in 2005 to broadcast his sermons at the United Reformed Church in Lynden, WA. In 2006, Gordon began producing Monday-Friday daily programs airing across the nation which focus on teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ from all of Scripture as a witness for those who do not yet believe and to strengthen believers in the truth of God’s Word.

“It is a great coincidence that Chris began his broadcast in 2005 which is also the same year that Providence Christian College began as the only reformed Christian College on the west coast,” added Dr. Belcher, who explained that the College just held a major 10th Anniversary celebration on campus earlier this month.

Martin Luther is one of the most significant figures in the Protestant faith. This law student turned Augustinian monk became the center of a great controversy after the theses he nailed on the church door back in the 1500s were copied and distributed throughout Europe. Luther led the effort that, among many things, translated the Bible and the traditional mass from Latin into the German language so the people could understand its message. Today, Luther’s legacy lives on in the creeds and confessions of Protestant churches worldwide.

“As we consider the importance of this Reformation Day, we strive to be more knowledgeable proclaimers and defenders of biblical truth and renew ourselves to be eager to share those truths and spark a new reformation of church and culture.” added Dr. Belcher.

Reformation Day Chapel Celebration
Featuring Guest Speaker Rev. Chris Gordon
Friday, October 30
11 am
Franson Hall
Providence Christian College
1539 E. Howard Street
Pasadena, CA 91104