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Since Providence Christian College’s establishment in 2005, its mission has been to equip students for God’s glory and for service to humanity. Starting next fall, students will be even more equipped thanks to Providence’s re-commitment to providing an affordable education.

Beginning in the fall of 2014, all first time freshmen will be eligible for The Providence Promise: Loan Repayment Assistance Program. LRAP will enable students to enroll at Providence and graduate on time, while also assisting them in repaying loans they have taken out. Providence is the only college in California to offer LRAP.

According to LRAP’s website, “LRAP empowers students to enroll, retain, and graduate from their first-choice educational institution.” The mission of Providence is to graduate students who will in turn serve their communities to the glory of God and for the service of humanity. In pursuit of that mission, Providence strives to see its graduates successfully employed without the unnecessary fear that they aren’t making enough money. The program also opens the way for graduates to be able to accept jobs after college because of a calling to work in that particular field or area that may not allow them the extra income to pay for student loans.

In the event that graduates aren’t working at a certain income level after college, LRAP guarantees that they will receive assistance in repaying their college loans. LRAP is offered to students at no cost and is available to graduates who are working at least 30 hours per week.

Reimbursement through LRAP lasts through the life of any federal, private, or PLUS loan and graduates will be reimbursed quarterly depending on specified lower and upper income thresholds.

Since statistics show that college graduates still earn more than those who don’t attend college, college remains an excellent investment. Providence is not only committed to providing students with a competitive financial aid package while attending Providence, but seeing them succeed in life after graduation.

Learn more about The Providence Promise and Providence’s other excellent financial aid programs and scholarships.