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During the November 9 visit weekend, the Drama Association put on “A Night of Mix-Ups and Match-Ups,” three scenes from different plays.

Resident director Courtney Withington directed the students, while sophomore Rora Melendy oversaw production. Providence students participated in the performance by ushering, helping with the set, and of course, acting.

The first was the one-act The Boundary by Tom Stoppard and Clive Exton featuring sophomore Sam Bice, freshman Tim Veltkamp, and senior Candace Janzen. One of the play’s traits was wordplay, a theme echoed later in a scene from The Odd Couple, Neil Simon’s well-loved comedy. Bice and sophomore Ian Harriman played the part of the two suitors who dine with their female counterparts who share an apartment building, played by seniors Ellen Avants and Shelli Cammenga. This particular rendition of the classic reversed the females roles with the male ones.

Senior Krista Redman and Courtney Withington also performed a short scene from Anton in Show Business by Jane Martin.

The Drama Association held the production at St. James Methodist Church’s newly renovated theater space–the Porticoes. The venue is by far the most accommodating space Providence has ever used. The association hopes to use the Porticoes stage again in the spring to put on a full-scale play.
For more pictures from the performance, go to our Flickr page.