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The Student Life department hosted a superb Family Weekend October 19 and 20. Vicky Lootens, of Washington State, visited her granddaughter Taylor ’16 and commented on the “warm hospitality” throughout the weekend. Parents joined the Providence community for chapel on Friday where Scott Swanson spoke on the Christian’s unity with Jesus Christ. Parents also got an up-close perspective on their children’s education accompanying them to class on Friday afternoon.

And what would a Providence Friday afternoon be without a game of sand volleyball? Phil and Shelly Kruis, of Tucson, Arizona, mixed it up with Providence students and their son Johnathan, ’15 on the court by the library after lunch. On Friday night, Providence students displayed their talents–music, poetry, comedy–during an open mic night in the courtyard.
Of course Providence students were glad for meals at a nearby Pasadena restaurant, compliments of their parents during the weekend. On Saturday, families ventured out into a mostly overcast day to Hollywood and Orange County among other places. On Saturday night, Max Belz, of the admissions office, representing half of the musical duo, Here’s Your Problem, played a combination of original tunes and cover songs. In addition to attending church on Sunday morning, parents shared in a hamburger lunch provided by the student life department.