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Providence Christian College is pleased to announce the receipt of a $1,000,000 matching gift pledge toward the Providence Promise Campaign.  This anonymous gift is the second $1,000,000 gift the college has received in the past month and demonstrates the Lord’s continued provision for Providence through a generous, committed constituency.  Dr. J. Derek Halvorson, president of Providence, said of the gift, “Our God never ceases to amaze.  I walked out of the meeting with my mind spinning… shaking my head as I praised God for his remarkable provision. It really is quite remarkable that these folks would possess such kingdom vision that they would be moved to this sort of generosity.”

The matching gift bolsters the effort of the college to achieve the Providence Promise Campaign goal of 3.5 million dollars by June 1, 2012.  In the first two weeks of the campaign, the college has secured $2,567,000 in gifts and pledges; in the coming weeks, the college is seeking to secure the additional $1,000,000 in gifts and pledges needed to match the latest generous gift.  “These transformational gifts are necessary to insure the future of Providence Christian College,” said Jack Hoekstra, director of development, “However, our work is not done! Those making faithful, monthly donations are a key to this campaign’s success.  We continue to seek those committed to the work of this Reformed Christian institution of higher learning and the work the Lord is doing here.”

Providence asks that you continue to uphold the institution and this process in prayer as more donor contacts are made to secure the rest of the campaign goal.