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Though classes were held on Martin Luther King day this year, the annual tradition of service continued. Both a morning and afternoon group of students with gloves and trash bags set out to clean the campus.  “We just wanted to get out and help make the campus look a little bit more neat and tidy overall, “sophomore Brielle England summarized the project. But it wasn’t all just work. “There was definitely a lot of laughs,” she added.

While commemorating the contributions of Martin Luther King on this day is the most apparent reason, service has always been an additional focus.   “We are stewards of the things that God has given us, including a place on this campus, ” said Resident Director Courtney Withington, “Taking care of it is part of honoring Him as the giver of all good things.”  Even small acts of service like an hour picking up trash are good agents for thinking about other opportunities to give of time and talents. “I think one of the main things that I realized is that it doesn’t have to be MLK day to do this,” Brielle reflected, “Cleaning up campus, and picking up trash is something that we can do on a regular basis… I think too often we think that it has to be an organized group, or time to serve but in reality it is something that can be done on a regular basis.”