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The Providence Drama Association completed a weekend run of Jean Anouilh’s Antigone on November 5. The powerful performance brought some audience members to tears and left the crowd with weighty questions about responsibility and freedom. The play is also a classic example of tragedy. “Antigone says all that will result of her death at the beginning, and it sets the story in motion. That’s when it kind of hit me,” senior Sara Heitmann said.

Junior Henry Delaplane of Lakeland, FL, directed the production. Junior Evelyn Vane of Aldergrove, British Columbia, Canada starred in the title role, while junior Bryan Punter of Allendale, Michigan played the role of Creon. A group of newcomers and veterans alike filled out the strong cast.

The students enjoyed putting on a tragedy, after spending the last few semesters with lighter, comic material. Evelyn Vane remarked that she was eager the actors could take on such dramatic subject matter.

Saturday’s performance coincided with Alumni Weekend, allowing a few Providence graduates to take in the performance. Many of them graduated from Providence before theater arrived in the fall of 2009 and became a semesterly event. The play also drew people from the local community, including employees of William Carey International University and Judson International School.

In addition to two months of rehearsal, the students received professional instruction from Amy Knutson and Bryan Crossan in preparation for last weekend’s performances. The Drama Association looks forward to next semester.

See all the photos from the production on our Flickr page: Antigone Photo Album