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Providence Christian College has been greatly blessed through the past years with generous donors who provide gifts of time, money, and prayers in support of our mission. Saturday evening, October 29, 2011 Providence hosted a banquet for a group of our donors from the Central Valley of California.

The banquet was held the Koetsier’s Ranch in Visalia, California. About 80 people attended the banquet, including the Providence Chorale and several college staff members.  The theme for the evening highlighted a few of the 42 alumni that Providence has graduated.

Director of Development, Jack Hoekstra shared photos of several alumni who have taken jobs in their field or who are continuing their education in Seminary. Hoekstra also had the opportunity to read a letter written by alumna Lorah Gleason (class of 2011) who is currently teaching at Excelsior School in Pasadena.  She commented that she is “thankful to Providence for preparing me for both the small and large challenges I face every day as a teacher—creating three new lesson plans each night, keeping up with massive amounts of grading, getting through to those hard-to-reach students, and making education an exciting and wonderful experience for each student God has placed in my classes.”

Brandon Addison (class of 2009) is currently in his third year at Westminster Seminary in California and was able to attend the banquet to share the thoughts he has about his education at Providence.  Addison shared that originally he had his doubts about attending such a small school but found that the community and the academic caliber of the faculty was strong.  He ended his speech by saying, “It is a result of the community and foundations instilled in me at Providence that have allowed me to be successful in seminary. And it is the education that I received at Providence that I feel has given me a firm foundation for the future that lays ahead for me, either in pastoral ministry or for further studies.”

During the banquet the audience also had an opportunity to hear three song selections from the Providence Chorale directed by Professor Luana Canty, as well as hear an update on the college from President J. Derek Halvorson. The evening closed with congregational singing, and the opportunity for donors to make a gift to Providence.

Providence would like to give a heartfelt thanks to our generous donors for their continued support!