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From California to Washington, parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters recently traveled to Providence to experience college life with their children, grandchildren and siblings. Every year, Family Weekend is a much anticipated event and this year was no exception.

Most families arrived on Friday, and were encouraged to attend classes with their students and experience their everyday schedule. Visitors had a wide variety of classes to choose from over the course of the day, including a Biology lab, Reformed Doctrine, and British literature just to name a few.  Parents also attended a compelling chapel led by Dr Andy Peterson, the president of Reformed Theological Seminary’s virtual campus.

On Saturday, students were encouraged to take their parents to their favorite Southern Californian locations. With the plethora of activities available to Southern Californian residents, whether this meant shopping on Colorado Boulevard, touring the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens, visiting the Norton Simon, or hitting the beach, families were sure to be in for a great time!  For those who wanted to stay closer to campus, there was the option of an afternoon volleyball game. In the evening, faculty started out the night by displaying their musical, cinematic, and other performing talents at the Faculty Talent Night. This was followed by a coffee house and art show, where parents, faculty, and students could all mingle over a hot drink and if they so chose, walk through a gallery of student created art. The night was finished off as students took their turn at the stage, sharing their gifts with the parents of the Providence Community.

Though this weekend is most enjoyed by the students whose families attend, often students without parents are adopted by their roommate’s families. This could be as simple as a mother’s hug and some good conversation, or could involve dinner out and even ice cream at the famous Fosselman’s Ice Cream Company.  For those students who were not “adopted,” the Resident Life staff hosted a night for the so-called “orphans,” where they enjoyed French toast, smoothies, and commiserated none too sadly together while watching “Peter Pan.”

On Sunday, the last day of Family Weekend, parents attended local churches with their children and had the opportunity worship together at their student’s new church home.  As the last official activity of the weekend, the visitors and students attended a final barbeque to eat and fellowship together before their time together was over.  Altogether, students and parents alike were thankful for the time they had to share the experience of life at Providence Christian College. “We rejoiced to see the students and professors challenge each other to grow toward full maturity in Christ,” said Mrs. Barnard, the mother of junior Libby Barnard, “It is always greatly encouraging as we spend time in conversation with Providence students. Our fervent prayer that weekend was to encourage those God brought our way. Truly, we are the ones who were encouraged by the testimony of the students!”

by Shelli Cammenga

Shelli is a junior English major from Midland, MI.