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   NEWS & EvENtS
spriNg coNcert
The Providence Chamber Singers performed their annual spring choral concert on April 25, 2019, in Witherspoon Hall. This year’s program, Then Sings My Soul, was directed by Providence’s Lecturer in Music, Dianne Harmel, and featured beautiful solo and choral performances of sacred hymns, such as “Come Thou Almighty King” and “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.” Additionally, the Jubilate Vocal Ensemble sang a magnificent selection of scriptural songs, including “The Prayer” and “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need.”
studeNt Formal
The entire student body celebrated the end of a monumental semester at the Providence Spring Formal,
an annual event featuring dancing, food, and the ever-popular photo booth. This year’s festivities were held just a few blocks from the Providence campus at the Pasadena University Club, a historic institution known for its rich tradition in fostering a supportive environment for local schools and businesses in Southern California.
the Beggar show
The Providence Campus Activities Board (CAB) hosted its inaugural Beggar show, a live, student-led talent competition, on March 29, 2019. From singing and dancing, to juggling and gymnastics, students showcased a diverse array of gifts and talents in an endeavor to earn the top prizes for “Best in Show.”
This year’s winners included the performance of an original song entitled, “PCC All About We,” a special student tribute to being a Providence Sea Beggar.
In early April, Providence held its first school-wide resurgam academic conference. This year’s theme was “Logos,” a Greek word meaning “thought” or “reason.” To kick off this historic event, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, Chairman of Ligonier Ministries, President Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Church History at Westminster Seminary California, was the keynote speaker. In his message, The Logos and the University, Godfrey challenged Providence students
to never lose sight of their faith in Christ while pursuing their scholastic endeavors.
record visit days
Throughout the semester, admissions candidates are given a personal, guided tours of the Pasadena campus in order to show what sets a Providence education apart from other colleges. This spring marked a record number of campus visits from prospective applicants. Over 200 potential students from over 14 different U.S. states and 3 different nations
have visited in the hopes of potentially pursuing their undergraduate education at Providence—That’s a 12% increase in campus visits since last spring.

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