Page 8 - ProvidenceChristianCollege_Magazine_Spring2018
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FacuLty uPdates
Dr. Whitney gamBLe, associate
professor of biblical & theological
studies, released the book Christ
and the Law: antinomianism at the Westminster assembly
(Reformation Heritage Books) in
May 2018. On January 3, 2018, her
interview was aired on Pilgrim radio
with the title “The Story of the Reformation Movement; The Westminster Assembly; Why Women Should Study Theology.”
Dr. Larry mC hargue, adjunct professor of biology, was interviewed by WLIE, 540 AM on the program
“A Visit to the Pastor’s Study” on March 17th, where
he discussed his views on Neo- Darwinism from a Christian perspective.
Dr. LaWrenCe mumforD,
adjunct professor of music, had two of his original compositions
receive recognition in The American Prize: Quietem (Hidden Source of Calm), which was premiered by
the Providence Chamber Singers and
was named a semifinalist; and the
second movement of his Symphony No. 3, santa Cruz island, was named a finalist.
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